ERK holds a global licensee network of more than 30 well-established high-quality boiler and power plant suppliers. Through this network we can provide tailormade solutions to even the remotest of places. We maintain longlasting relationships with our licensees, some of them already lasting for over half a century. Our extensive twoway communication with our partners ensures we continually learn from the experience gained with every project.
Hence, each ERK boiler is the sum of more than 6,100 global installations. Besides the design know-how itself, we share our experience in terms of manufacturing, transport, assembly, installation, and operation. This continuous exchange of information ensures that ERK remains at the forefront of the industry.
Together we are strong: Eckrohrkessel has right now 30 Licensees and is still open for new partners.
Our licensees
Boiler Systems | Firing Systems | Tube Systems |