
Research & Development


Since 1995, we have had two key R&D projects annually, which were of major signifi cance for our company’s future development. We invest a significantamount of our annual turnover in R&D activities and receive funding from the German state and federal governments as well as international funding agencies.

Our R&D activities are always focused on trends that we anticipate on the energy market. Of high interest to us are optimised products and concepts for a low carbon economy, urbanisation, and globalisation.

more than

Specialised industry & Research partners:

  • University of Applied Sciences, Wildau (GER)
  • Technical University, Berlin (GER)
  • Technical University, Cottbus (GER)
  • HTW, Berlin (GER)
  • German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
  • University of Technology, Sydney (AUS)
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